Atwater, California - Self Payment
Finding the funds for alcohol and drug treatment in Atwater, California can be a large obstacle to deal with, and self payment is very often the only choice that potential clients have and most all drug rehabilitation facilities realize this reality. Most drug and alcohol addicted individuals in search of help don't have the luxury of private health insurance, simply because most will have lost such coverage due to their habit. These individuals will most often not be able to obtain new health insurance, and so must self pay for their treatment. Drug and alcohol treatment facilities in Atwater will often work with potential clients in the case that self payment is the only choice, and it is beneficial to ask what assistance can be offered to lower the cost of rehab lower to a price which can be feasible. It is not uncommon for families to work together to deal with cover the costs for rehab when self payment is the only choice, and loved ones may talk to rehabilitation facilities in their area to determine what assistance if any is available to enable addicted men and women start rehabilitation.
- Community Social Model Advocates Inc
559 Mendocino Court
Atwater, CA. 95301 - California Psychiatric Transitions
9226 North Hinton Avenue
Delhi, CA. 95315 - Merced County Mental Health Department
3090 M Street
Merced, CA. 95340 - Merced County Dept of Mental Health
3305 G Street
Merced, CA. 95340 - Merced Mental Health
3313 North G Street
Merced, CA. 95340 - Merced Behavioral Center
1255 B Street
Merced, CA. 95341 - Community Social Model Advocates Inc
1299 and 1301 Yosemite Parkway
Merced, CA. 95340