Other Languages - Cambria, California
Drug and alcohol abuse is a common reality among all cultures and all ethnicities in Cambria, California, no single race or ethnicity is truly immune to this serious problem. Regardless which language a substance abuser speaks, drug and alcohol abuse can only be overcome with powerful substance abuse treatment. Drug and alcohol treatment centers which cater to individuals who speak languages other than English are available in many parts of the U.S.. These Drug rehab centers in Cambria don't disregard quality just because of language, and provide rehab services which are commensurate or sometimes even better than comparable English speaking drug rehab facilities. Just because a treatment client speaks a language other than English doesn't necessarily mean that they should be delivered less than superior treatment than another person who speaks English. Speak with a drug and alcohol treatment specialist to find a drug treatment program in Cambria, California that offers rehab services to persons who speak languages other than English today.
- Santa Maria Valley Youth and Family
105 North Lincoln Street
Santa Maria, CA. 93458