Cloverdale - Spanish
Addicted people of all languages and ethnicities should be able to obtain effective alcohol and drug abuse rehab in Cloverdale when needed, and language ever get in the way of any person's treatment. Because Spanish is such a prevalent language in this country, it is not uncommon for alcohol and drug rehabilitation centers in Cloverdale, CA. to deliver Spanish speaking substance abuse counselors and rehabilitation curriculum for Spanish speaking individuals. There should never be obstacles in any case for a person who wishes to acquire effective alcohol and drug rehab services, and drug rehab facilities in Cloverdale are more than willing to help Spanish speaking clients in every way to provide them with the rehabilitation services they need.
- Redwood Community Services Inc
16170 Main Street
Lower Lake, CA. 95457 - Lake County Alc and Other Drug Servs
7000 South Center Drive
Clearlake, CA. 95422 - Lake County Behavioral Health
6302 13th Avenue
Lucerne, CA. 95458 - California Human Development Corp
3315 Airway Drive
Santa Rosa, CA. 95403