Sliding Fee Scale (Fee Is Based On Income And Other Factors) - Duarte, CA.
Every single person who desires drug and alcohol treatment in Duarte, CA. should be able to obtain this priceless help so that they can turn their lives around. Sadly, many drug and alcohol addicted persons avoid obtaining treatment because they think they just cannot afford it. This is actually very often the situation, although a number of drug and alcohol rehab centers in Duarte, California have instituted what is referred to as a sliding fee scale which could enable specific individuals get the treatment they require. Sliding fee scales are determined on an one-on-one basis after taking into consideration the person's circumstances such as monies on hand, living arrangement, the size of their family etc. It is quite common for individuals in Duarte, CA. to fall into particular categories which might make them eligible for this kind of payment arrangement and it has assisted numerous clients get started in rehab. People can see if they may be eligible for a sliding fee scale by speaking to a treatment expert today.
- California Mental Health Connection
14305 East Morgan Street
Baldwin Park, CA. 91706 - Arcadia Mental Health Center
330 East Live Oak Avenue
Arcadia, CA. 91006