Earlimart, California - Other Languages
Drug abuse is such a prevalent problem amongst all races of people and all ethnicities in Earlimart, California, no one is truly immune. Regardless which language a substance abuser speaks, substance abuse can only be resolved with powerful drug and alcohol rehab. Drug treatment programs which cater to persons who speak languages other than English are available in several areas of the county. These Drug rehab programs in Earlimart don't compromise quality because of a possible language barrier, and provide drug rehab that are commensurate or sometimes even better than comparable English language drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs. Just because someone speaks a language other than English doesn't suggest that they should be delivered inferior rehab services than another person who speaks English. Contact with a drug rehab expert to locate a drug and alcohol rehab program in Earlimart, California which offers rehab services to persons who speak foreign languages today.
- Henrietta Weill Memorial
1430 6th Street
Delano, CA. 93215 - West Kern
930 F Street
Wasco, CA. 93280 - Tulare County Hlth and Human Services
1055 West Henderson Avenue
Porterville, CA. 93257