Substance Abuse Treatment Services - Fort Irwin, CA.
There are many different types of drug and alcohol abuse treatment facilities in Fort Irwin, CA. which alcohol and/or drug addicted individuals can get help from. As an example, there are substance abuse rehabilitation centers in the Fort Irwin, California area which work specifically with a client who has a short background of alcohol and drug abuse and may possibly be able to receive effective help at a short term alcohol and drug rehab center which will require the person to remain in rehab for 4 weeks or less. Then there are much more intensive and long term drug and alcohol abuse rehabilitation facilities in Fort Irwin, CA. which require a stay of 3 months or longer, based off of the client's history of alcohol and drug abuse and other issues including co-occurring mental health problems. Substance abuse treatment services can be completed on an outpatient basis or an inpatient basis, with inpatient drug and alcohol abuse rehabilitation programs offering substantially superior success rates because of a higher quality of treatment setting.
- San Bernardino Cnty Dept of Behav Hlth
1841 East Main Street
Barstow, CA. 92311 - High Desert Child Adolescent and
225 Barstow Road
Barstow, CA. 92311 - STEPS Ultimate Solutions
18031 U.S. Highway 18
Apple Valley, CA. 92307 - Revival Recovery Services
12350 Indian River Drive
Apple Valley, CA. 92308 - Pine Ridge Treatment Center
15367 Bonanza Road
Victorville, CA. 92392