Substance Abuse Treatment Services - French Camp
The different drug and alcohol abuse rehab programs which are offered to drug and alcohol addicted persons in French Camp can differ in a lot of various ways. Some substance abuse rehab services are offered in a residential or inpatient facility, where clients remain the entire time they are in treatment which provides a more conducive rehab setting. Others provide alcohol and drug abuse rehab programs on an outpatient basis which provides a sense of versatility, although outpatient facilities may not be a suitable alcohol and drug abuse treatment service for people in French Camp, CA. who are having difficulties with serious drug addiction difficulties. Whether inpatient or outpatient drug and alcohol abuse treatment programs are selected, there are varying lengths of time that individuals will be expected to stay in the drug rehabilitation program. For instance, many short-term programs offer services for 4 weeks or less, while long-term centers will require at least a 90 day stay.
- San Joaquin County
500 West Hospital Road
French Camp, CA. 95231 - Native Directions Inc
13505 Union Road
Manteca, CA. 95336 - Stockton Circle of Friends Adult Prog
501-503 South Pershing Avenue
Stockton, CA. 95203 - San Joaquin County
620 North Aurora Street
Stockton, CA. 95202 - Alcohol Recovery Center
1125 North Hunter Street
Stockton, CA. 95202