Gonzales, CA. - Residential Beds For Clients Children
Some parents never look for treatment for addiction due to the fact they are fearful that their children may wind up in foster care with total strangers. Although this may sometimes the case, some drug treatment programs around the Gonzales, CA. area actually supply residential beds for client's children to ensure they can receive care at the drug rehabilitation center while also keeping their young children by their side. This gives a sense of relief to parents in the Gonzales, California area who would otherwise briefly or permanently lose custody of their children, but rather have their kids in their care which often gives parents and children peace of mind. Both parent and kid can excel from being in such a rehab environment while the adult puts the pieces of their lives back in order, ultimately being able to supply a new beginning for their kid once rehabilitation is finished.
- Community Human Services
1152 Sonoma Avenue
Seaside, CA. 93955