Self Payment - Gonzales, CA.
While coming up with the money for alcohol and drug treatment in Gonzales, CA. can be a major hurdle to have to deal with, self payment is often the only option and most alcohol and drug rehabilitation centers in Gonzales, California understand this fact. Many addicted individuals are not fortunate enough to have private health insurance, because most will have lost such insurance because of their addiction. These individuals will very often not be able to get any kind of health insurance, and so must self pay for their services. Drug rehabilitation programs in Gonzales, CA. will often help individuals when self payment is the only option, so see what support can be offered to lower the cost of treatment down to a level which can be paid. Families will work together to make financial arrangements if self payment is the only choice, and families can speak with treatment programs in their area to determine what assistance if any can be offered to help alcohol or drug addicted clients begin rehab.
- Valley Health Associates
338 Monterey Street
Salinas, CA. 93901 - Sun Street Centers
8 Sun Street
Salinas, CA. 93901 - Natividad Medical Center
1441 Constitution Boulevard
Salinas, CA. 93906 - San Benito County Behavioral Health
1131 San Felipe Road
Hollister, CA. 95023 - Community Human Services
1152 Sonoma Avenue
Seaside, CA. 93955