
Persons With Co-Occurring Mental And Substance Abuse Disorders - Kelseyville, California

It is not uncommon for people who have problems with a psychological disorder to also have a co-occurring drug and alcohol abuse issue. Frankly, it is more widespread than one would imagine and a lot of people presently in drug and alcohol treatment centers in Kelseyville, California may have mental health disorders which are often undiagnosed. Rehabilitation specialists at successful alcohol and drug treatment programs in Kelseyville know how to identify persons with co-occurring psychological and substance abuse disorders so that both issues can be handled simultaneously while the individual is in treatment. Due to the fact both must be resolved, the person must remain in rehab until they are mentally stable, not just abstinent.

"Persons With Co-Occurring Mental And Substance Abuse Disorders" treatment listings in or near Kelseyville, California: