Other Languages - Maywood
Persons in Maywood who speak using other languages, other than the English language to be specific, should acquire drug rehab which is just as good as English speakers. Individuals who speak other languages or dialects should never sense that their drug rehab experience or treatment setting is going to be any less beneficial because they are not fluent in the English language. There are a few of alcohol and drug treatment centers offered around the Maywood, CA. area that specifically treat those who speak languages other than English, with many different types of drug rehab facilities to choose from. For instance, a number of drug and alcohol treatment centers which treat men and women who speak other languages are only short term programs, however there are additional long term possibilities available. Individuals who are not fluent in English can consult with rehab experts in their Maywood area to decide upon a drug rehab program which may be more suitable to their needs.
- Enki East Los Angeles MH Services
1436 Goodrich Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA. 90022 - Enki East Los Angeles MH Servs
6001 Clara Street
Bell Gardens, CA. 90201 - Enki Margarita Mendez
1000 Goodrich Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA. 90022