Spanish - Maywood, CA.
Drug or alcohol addicted men and women of all languages and ethnicities must be able to obtain effective alcohol and drug abuse rehab in Maywood, CA. when needed, and language ever get in the way of any person's treatment. Due to the fact that Spanish is such a prevalent language in this region of the world, it is common for alcohol and drug rehab centers in Maywood, California to provide Spanish speaking drug professionals and rehabilitation curriculum for Spanish speaking individuals. There should never be problems of any kind for a person who wishes to acquire effective drug treatment services, and drug treatment programs in Maywood, CA. are always willing to help those who only speak Spanish every way possible to supply them with the rehabilitation services they desire.
- Penny Lane Centers
5628 East Slauson Avenue
Los Angeles, CA. 90040 - Hannas House
5900 South Eastern Avenue
Los Angeles, CA. 90040 - Enki East Los Angeles MH Services
1436 Goodrich Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA. 90022 - Enki East Los Angeles MH Servs
6001 Clara Street
Bell Gardens, CA. 90201 - Enki Margarita Mendez
1000 Goodrich Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA. 90022 - Narcotics Prevention Project Methadone
942 South Atlantic Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA. 90022 - Gateways Hospital and MH Center
3455 Percy Street
Los Angeles, CA. 90023 - Mela Counseling Services Center Inc
5723 Whittier Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA. 90022