Mentone, California - Criminal Justice Clients
Rehabbing men and women who are addicted and dependent to drugs or alcohol and have landed somewhere in the criminal justice system has proven a productive method of curbing repeat drug related offenses for people that do receive treatment. For criminal justice clients in Mentone, California who do partake in drug and alcohol rehab programs, even against one's will as is often court ordered, these persons have a much better opportunity of dealing with the crux of the issue so that they can remain off of drugs and away from the streets drug related crimes. The costs to the criminal justice system related to these drug related offenses is also impacted positively when criminal justice clients turn out to be rehabilitated in drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers in Mentone instead of incarceration or other harsh punishment.
- VA Loma Linda Healthcare System
11201 Benton Street
Loma Linda, CA. 92357 - Mental Health Systems Inc PRIDE
1874 Business Center Drive
San Bernardino, CA. 92408