San Carlos, California - Other Languages
If someone speaks English they can choose from a wide variety of drug treatment programs that offer rehabilitation. If drug or alcohol addicted people who speak other languages need to have rehabilitation, finding an alcohol and drug treatment facility in San Carlos, California which can cater to the needs of these clients can be a bit more difficult. Nonetheless, drug rehab programs which offer rehab in other languages are accessible around the San Carlos area and all around the country. The need for drug and alcohol rehab programs which supply rehab in other languages has never been greater, and persons in San Carlos, California who speak languages other than English need to have excellent treatment like any other client. To find a rehabilitation program which delivers services in other languages, get in touch with a drug and alcohol rehabilitation program in San Carlos to discover which options are readily available.
- South County BHRS Outpatient Clinic
802 Brewster Avenue
Redwood City, CA. 94063 - Adolescent Counseling Services
643 Bair Island Road
Redwood City, CA. 94063 - Psychiatric Services
222 West 39th Avenue
San Mateo, CA. 94403