Tarzana, California - Other Languages
If a person speaks English there are a wide variety of drug and alcohol treatment programs which can provide treatment. If drug or alcohol addicted individuals who speak other languages need to have rehabilitation, discovering a drug rehab facility in Tarzana, California which can cater to the needs of these clients can be significantly more tricky. However, alcohol and drug rehab programs which offer rehab in other languages are accessible around the Tarzana area and all around the country. The need to have drug rehab facilities which supply rehabilitation in other languages is very evident, and men and women in Tarzana, California who speak languages other than English need to have excellent treatment like anyone else. To find a treatment facility which provides services in other languages, get into communication with a drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility in Tarzana to learn which possibilities are readily available.
- Joyce Eisenberg Keefer Medical Center
7150 Tampa Avenue
Reseda, CA. 91335 - Kaiser Southern California Permanente
21263 Erwin Street
Woodland Hills, CA. 91367 - Encino Hospital Med Center
16237 Ventura Boulevard
Encino, CA. 91436 - Nova Vitae Treatment Center
5985 Topanga Canyon Boulevard
Woodland Hills, CA. 91367