Martinez, CA. - Self Payment
While paying for drug and alcohol treatment in Martinez, CA. can be a big obstacle to overcome, self payment is sometimes the only choice and many drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers in Martinez, California understand this fact. The majority of drug addicted people are not fortunate enough to have private health insurance, because many end up losing such insurance in the course of their addiction. These potential treatment clients will most certainly be unable to obtain new health insurance, and need to self pay for their rehab. Drug and alcohol treatment centers in Martinez, CA. will help individuals with payment logistics if self payment is the only choice, so see what assistance can be provided to bring the cost of rehabilitation down to a cost which can be easily taken care of. Families will help make pay for rehab if self payment is the only choice, and families can speak with rehabilitation programs around them to discover what help if any is available to help alcohol or drug addicted clients start rehabilitation.
- Ujima Family Recovery Services
904 Mellus Street
Martinez, CA. 94553 - Discovery House
4645 Pacheco Boulevard
Martinez, CA. 94553