Drug Addiction Treatment in Bakersfield
Drug addiction treatment in Bakersfield is a basic phrase used to describe the different kinds of drug rehab possibilities. Bakersfield has inpatient and outpatient drug rehab programs and short term and long term durations of care. Selecting the right rehabilitation type and program duration is important for achieving full rehabilitation from drug addiction. Inpatient drug rehabilitation facilities in Bakersfield are facilities where the person in recovery resides at the treatment facility fulltime. They have assistance from staff members around the clock in a comfortable and safe atmosphere throughout their rehabilitation process. Outpatient rehab facilities in Bakersfield are facilities where the client only attends the rehab program for specific periods of time e.g. hours, half a day or full days. Afterward, the client returns home where the opportunity to use drugs dramatically increases. Commonly, outpatient programs utilize drug testing, either random or scheduled to detect relapse. The problem lies in the fact that once the drug test comes up positive it means that the individual has already relapsed- the deed has been done. Long term and short term drug rehabilitation facilities in Bakersfield describe the time frame the person remains in the program. Short term rehabilitation generally lasts a few weeks to a month, while long term rehabilitation can last anywhere from a few months to a year.
Drug treatment centers in Bakersfield have the ultimate goal of helping addicted individuals get off drugs and discover how to live a happy, productive life as a drug-free person. Successful rehab programs do far more than just physically get their clients off drugs or alcohol. They help the program participant to acquire new life skills and coping skills to deal with stressful conditions and other common triggers that lead to relapse. While relapse is occasionally a part of a particular persons recovery process, it occurs because of certain elements of their life and/or other personal issues were not fully dealt with when they left drug addiction treatment center. Substance abuse and addiction are most commonly the result of the user unknowingly attempting to cover up emotional or physical pain. Effective drug addiction treatment facilities in Bakersfield will tackle the root issues that drove the individual to choose drugs or alcohol as a way to escape or solve their issues.
There are 16 listings in Bakersfield, California:
- Special Treatment Education and
3400 Calloway Drive
Bakersfield, CA. 93312 - Adult Services Crisis Services
2151 College Avenue
Bakersfield, CA. 93305 - Aegis Treatment Centers LLC
1018 21st Street
Bakersfield, CA. 93301 - Crestwood Behavioral Health Inc
6700 Eucalyptus Drive
Bakersfield, CA. 93306 - WestCare California Inc
2901-2913 South H Street
Bakersfield, CA. 93304 - Teens Living Clean
315 East 18th Street
Bakersfield, CA. 93305 - Bakersfield Behavioral Healthcare Hosp
5201 White Lane
Bakersfield, CA. 93309 - Action Family Counseling Inc
512 Stable Avenue
Bakersfield, CA. 93307 - Bakersfield Behavorial Healthcare
5201 White Lane
Bakersfield, CA. 93309 - Kern Medical Center
1700 Mount Vernon Avenue
Bakersfield, CA. 93306 - Bakersfield American Indian Health Pro
1617 30th Street
Bakersfield, CA. 93301 - Henrietta Weill Memorial
2001 North Chester Avenue
Bakersfield, CA. 93308 - Bakersfield Recovery Services
504 Bernard Street
Bakersfield, CA. 93305 - New Advances for People with
1909 16th Street
Bakersfield, CA. 93301 - Salvation Army
200 19th Street
Bakersfield, CA. 93301 - American Health Services LLC
1010 1/2 South Union Avenue
Bakersfield, CA. 93307