Drug Addiction Treatment in Middletown
Drug addiction treatment in Middletown is a general phrase used to describe the different kinds of drug rehab options. Middletown has inpatient and outpatient drug treatment programs as well as short term and long term lengths of treatment. Picking the right treatment type and duration is important for achieving full rehabilitation from one’s addiction problem. Inpatient drug addiction treatment facilities in Middletown are facilities where the person in recovery lives at the treatment facility fulltime. They have assistance from staff members around the clock in a comfortable and safe atmosphere throughout their recovery process. Outpatient rehab programs in Middletown are facilities where the client only attends the treatment program for specified intervals of time e.g. hours, half a day or full days. At the end of the day, they return home where the opportunity to use drugs dramatically increases. Typically, outpatient programs make use of drug testing, either random or scheduled to detect drug use. The problem lies in the fact that once the drug test comes up positive it means that the individual has already relapsed- the deed has been done. Long term and short term drug treatment programs in Middletown describe the time frame the person remains in treatment. Short term care generally lasts several weeks to a month, while long term rehabilitation can last anywhere from several months to a year.
Drug addiction treatment centers in Middletown have the overall goal of helping addicted individuals get off drugs and learn to live a happy, fulfilled life as a drug-free person. The most effective rehab programs do much more than just physically get the person off drugs or alcohol. They help the person to acquire new life skills and coping skills to handle stressful situations and other common triggers that lead to relapse. While relapse is occasionally a part of a particular persons recovery process, it happens because of specific factors of their life and/or other personal issues were not completely dealt with when they left drug addiction treatment program. Substance abuse and addiction are often the result of the user unknowingly attempting to cover up emotional or physical pain. Effective drug rehab facilities in Middletown will handle the underlying issues that drove the individual to choose drugs or alcohol as a way to escape or cope with their issues.
8 treatment listings in or near Middletown, California:
- Redwood Community Services Inc
16170 Main Street
Lower Lake, CA. 95457 - Lake County Alc and Other Drug Servs
7000 South Center Drive
Clearlake, CA. 95422 - Duffys Napa Valley Rehab
3076 Myrtledale Road
Calistoga, CA. 94515 - Crestwood Behavioral Health Inc
295 Pine Breeze Drive
Angwin, CA. 94508 - Hilltop Recovery Services
104720 Old Catholic Church Road
Clearlake Oaks, CA. 95423 - St. Helena Recovery Center
10 Woodland Road
St. Helena, CA. 94574 - Santa Rosa CBOC Mental Health
3841 Brickway Boulevard
Santa Rosa, CA. 95403 - R House
429 Speers Road
Santa Rosa, CA. 95409