Persons With Co-Occurring Mental And Substance Abuse Disorders - Oakland, California
Mental and drug and/or alcohol abuse issues can cause problems in the lives of those individuals that are already dealing with diagnosed or undiagnosed mental health disorders. Even though many people in Oakland, California who struggle with mental problems abuse drugs or alcohol to try and help ease the symptoms of their disorder, drugs or alcohol only only worsens the problem. Hopefully most of these individuals dealing with co-occurring mental and alcohol and drug abuse problems in Oakland will get a suitable Oakland, California drug treatment center with rehab experts who understand how to deal with these sort of situations. By dealing with both issues simultaneously, clients can reap the complete rewards of workable rehab and go on to lead productive and drug and alcohol free lives both mentally and physically.
- Schuman Liles Clinic
10850 Macarthur Boulevard
Oakland, CA. 94605 - East Bay Community Recovery Project
2545 San Pablo Avenue
Oakland, CA. 94612 - Options Recovery Services
610 16th Street
Oakland, CA. 94612 - Kaiser Permanente
969 Broadway
Oakland, CA. 94607 - Adolescent Treatment Centers Inc
390 40th Street
Oakland, CA. 94609 - Horizon Services
3837 Telegraph Avenue
Oakland, CA. 94609 - La Cheim School Inc
3031 Telegraph Avenue
Oakland, CA. 94609 - Telecare Heritage Psychiatric
2633 East 27th Street
Oakland, CA. 94601 - Native American Health Center
3124 International Boulevard
Oakland, CA. 94601 - West Oakland Health Council
700 Adeline Street
Oakland, CA. 94607 - Thunder Road
390 40th Street
Oakland, CA. 94609 - Bonita House Inc
6333 Telegraph Avenue
Oakland, CA. 94609