San Diego, CA. - Other Languages
If a person speaks English there are a wide variety of drug rehab programs that offer rehabilitation. If drug or alcohol addicted men and women who speak other languages need treatment, finding an alcohol and drug rehab facility in San Diego, CA. which caters to the needs of these clients can be a bit more difficult. However, drug rehabilitation centers which offer rehab in other languages are offered around the San Diego, California area and around the nation. The need to have alcohol and drug rehab centers which provide rehabilitation in other languages has never been greater, and men and women in San Diego, CA. who speak languages other than English need to have excellent care like anyone else. To find a rehabilitation provider which offers treatment in other languages, contact a drug and alcohol rehab center in San Diego, California to discover which options are readily available.
- San Diego County MH Services
1250 Morena Boulevard
San Diego, CA. 92110 - Douglas Young Youth and Family Service
7907 Ostrow Street
San Diego, CA. 92111 - Home Avenue Clinic
3940 Home Avenue
San Diego, CA. 92105 - Scripps Mercy Hospital
4077 5th Avenue
San Diego, CA. 92103 - Solutions for Recovery
3928 Illinois Street
San Diego, CA. 92104 - Fashion Valley Comp Treatment Center
7020 Friars Road
San Diego, CA. 92108