Native American Or Alaska Native Languages - Waterford, California
Native Americans and Alaska Natives are known to have considerably higher rates of drug abuse and addiction than other ethnicities, an a situation which has to be aknowledged for these people to survive. Although the causes may vary from person to individual, many of the factors for the higher rates of drug abuse among Native American and Alaska Natives related to their culture. In fact, Native American and Alaska Native adolescents appear to have some of the highest rates of drug and alcohol abuse in the U.S.. The most apparent hurdles to treating Native Americans and Alaska Natives for addiction are cultural challenges and language. For this reason it is important that Native Americans and Alaska Natives in Waterford, California receive substance abuse treatment in a drug rehab center that is culturally acceptable, but most importantly in a drug rehab that takes into the account the need to provide drug rehab in their language.
- New Hope Recovery
823 East Orangeburg Avenue
Modesto, CA. 95350